Have changed the direction that the final project is taking. The DVD project will have to wait. I've decided to focus on painting w/ Photo Shop using one of my paintings of Cornwall (the hillsides as seen from Trellowarren) as a template & from there explore various ways of painting over it, transforming it w/ gradients & layers, etc. @ this point I'm not sure what the final work will look like or even if it will be 2-dimensional; I may use the images in 3-D space as a sort of model for an installation piece. Here are some of the versions thus far.
Oh yes, & I'm here including 2 book covers recently discovered on the shelves of the Whetstone Library where I work. Please note the presence of sheep on the covers .... my sheep are thus vindicated! (not that they need to be. This is just a note to those who might still be skeptical. In addition, there is a "Sheep Grazing on the Oval" project now documented & exhibited in the Wexner Art Museum on the Ohio State Campus. @ some point I'll try to bring that into my Blog -- sheep are social animals, remember? That's from an article no longer posted on the web, otherwise I'd quote it & include it. I hate it when good stuff just, poof, vanishes from cyberspace, especially before I can grab it & save it for posterity).