This project has been challenging & fun: Used a digital camera for the first time (asked fellow classmate, Kevin, a photography major, to set the camera for "point & click." I didn't even know that I had to turn the camera on (duh!) let alone what button to push, but I'm learning. Also learned how to scan images on a really good scanner & how to @ least try to print on the Hopkins 184 marvel -- success through teamwork! Critique was great, every artist in class had something special to offer. I wish I could include them all here; maybe we need a class blog. Okay, so here's my "Fabricated Landscape", based on scanned painting of Trellowarren countryside, photo (one of my first digital photos! I'm learning a lot of new stuff) of one of my paintings, beach & flowers from Carlsbad, California, & photos taken by classmates:

Project #2: Fabricated Landscape With digital imaging, the ubiquitous world wide web, games and emerging types of nanotechnology, the landscape as a material thing (or collection of things) has been evolving into the landscape as a virtual thing. For this project, in lieu of using online images, use only your own manually scanned imagery and high-resolution digital photographs to construct a series of images that reveal a personal investigation of Landscape.
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