Above is the essence of the final Project, the "Creative Event:" a Flow of color & light. It brings with it a sense of closure as well as ideas for new works -- an end & a beginning.
I'm taking Art 350 again this summer, this time w/ instructor Joshua. It promises to be an equally productive & enjoyable class. I look forward to it, in fact, am already in the process of reading suggested essays on Postmodernism & other, readings which have gotten me to thinking about some material (like T.S.Eliot's Tradition & the Individual Talent) which has been in my mind but not actively thought about -- the relationship of the past w/ the present, how it infuses, informs, shapes, inspires the present, how this present also infuses & modifies the past, or at least the way we see it. Actually, I have been thinking about these things, they are a part of me, but this is the first time I've started writing about them, putting thoughts to paper -- or to electrons, as it were.
Also, I had thought about starting a new Blog for the new class, but no. Not only is this a continuation of the other, a furtherance, but also the 2 classes constitute a unit, not just of subject matter, but of experience, possibly even of theme. The projects from last quarter may carry over into this one. I hadn't intended to do a "series," but last quarter's work actually turned into that, so will this quarter see the creation of a new series? or a further exploration & development of the series already begun? Guess I'll wait & see where inspiration leads me. Anon.
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